IDC® Powerharness with Side Rings
IDC® Pulling Powerharness With Side Rings
This unique and innovative Harness comes with Side rings which are fixed on the Left and Right side of the Harness, allowing you to have your dog pull a sled / cart or take part in Skijoring, or other pulling activities - included this harness is excellent for securing your dog in a car, as it has 2 side rings to anchor your dog into any car or moving vehicle.
( Pulling harnesses - Use small Labels )
This harness is Popular with Sports enthusiasts, Special Forces and the Military, the heavy duty side rings can also support multiple dog lead attachments. The quality control of the materials and production are as always the highest quality and are able to withstand a great deal of force when pulling.

The Pulling Harness comes in 4 Sizes and in Black only
The Side Ring / Pulling harness uses small labels
Label size: 2 x 6.2 inches / 50 x 160 mm (Small Labels).